I was looking for something to watch during those rare moments in between football games over the Thanksgiving weekend...and I stumbled across a brand new Beatles documentary called “Beatles ‘64.” It was produced by acclaimed filmmaker Martin Scorsese and follows the Beatles during their first-ever visit to America in 1964...including their famous performance on The Ed Sullivan Show. It’s filled with rare footage...capturing the Fab Four at their best...and sometimes worst. It also show the security nightmare “Beatlemania” created including girls constantly attempting to sneak onto their New York hotel floor. Combine the behind-the-scenes footage and candid moments with some amazing live performances...and it’s must-stream TV on Disney+.
One of those “you had to be there” moments occurred at the premiere held a week earlier at a theater in New York...to which a surprise, unannounced guest showed up. Yep...Sir Paul McCartney himself...along with his wife Nancy Shevell...snuck into a middle row in the theater and watched the premier along side a theater full of Beatles fans...including a few other celebs like Chris Rock and E Street Band guitarist Little Steven Van Zandt. That’s a story that those moviegoers will now tell for the rest of their lives!