Watch Kip Winger Talk 106.7 The Eagle’s Rock The Halls Christmas Bash

Friday December 15th, 2023, Winger, Warrant, Lita Ford and Steelheart hit The Espee for The Eagle’s Rock The Halls Christmas bash. We caught up with Winger front man Kip Winger to talk about the show and more.

Friday December 15th, 2023 Winger, Warrant, Lita Ford and Steelheart hit The Espee for The Eagle’s Rock The Halls Christmas bash. We caught up with Winger front man Kip Winger to talk about the show. We dove right in by asking Kip how he likes doing package shows like this. Kip said he enjoys shows like this because it gives the audience a lot for their money. Kip mentioned that it is a “Great hang” because all these bands are friends that they’ve known for years. Kip even said he prefers shows like this to shows they do alone.

We also discussed planning the set list. Kip mentioned longtime fans requesting deeper cuts and how they try and honor that. But they do still always play the hits too, there are seven Top 40 singles from the band to get into the set. Sometimes they’ll work in creative ways to get more songs into the show.

We also spoke about the fact that Winger still consists of all the original members, Kip, Reb Beach, Rod Morgenstein, Paul Taylor, and John Roth. For a band that has been going for 35 years, Kip spoke about looking out in the audience and seeing half the crowd being under 30 years old. He even shared about meeting two kids aged 9 and 12 at a recent show. He said it was heartwarming and “A testament to the power of this genre of music.”

My feeling is that Winger never got the credit for the musicianship they possess. Kip spoke about the feeling of sharing a stage with these accomplished musicians and how it never gets old. Kip said it’s an honor to share the stage with them. He shared that they are all great friends and that they never hit a period where there was bad blood. We spoke about that energy on stage being felt by the audience.

If you haven’t gotten tickets for the show yet, you can grab them at At the show we’ll also be collecting toys for kids at the Family Self Sufficiency-Guadalupe Community Center right here in San Antonio.